
First introduced in the U.S. by a dermatologic surgeon in 1991, botulinum toxin injections are used primarily to paralyze certain facial muscles which cause frown lines, crows feet and other lines of dynamic facial expression. The 3 medications used in the practice are Botox, Dysport, and Jeuveau, all with similar functions and mechanisms of action. They work by relaxing the underlying facial muscles that contract to form wrinkles, with an effect that lasts for three to four months. Botox injections can also be used to improve the appearance of neck lines, reduce jawline squareness, and to control excessive sweating.

“Botox can be injected to achieve a natural look - the aim is to look rested, fresh, and youthful, not frozen.”
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Brown Spot Removal

Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments are effective in removing brown spots and addressing a variety of pigmentation concerns. At Tribeca Park Dermatology we offer advanced treatments utilizing 2 devices: the InMode Lumecca IPL and the Sciton Broad Band Light (BBL) device. Both systems deliver effective treatments for hyperpigmentation and a unique treatment regimen will be tailored to address your spots and discoloration concerns. Treatments are well tolerated with results that can be seen within a few days.

“Many people think that brown spots are a natural part of aging and therefore untreatable, but in fact, they can be treated.”
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Chemical Peels

Chemical peels are beneficial in the treatment of wrinkles, skin discoloration and age spots, as well as dull skin texture and mild acne scars. The procedure involved the application of a special chemical solution to remove outer layers of aged, discolored and irregular skin. Fresh skin is then generated, which is usually smoother, less wrinkled and more even in color.

At Tribeca Park Dermatology, a host of different agents are used to peel the skin, ranging from 30-70% glycolic acid, to 30% salicylic acid, to pyruvic acid, VI Peels and VI Purify Peels. The type of acid, strength of peel, and frequency of treatment is carefully tailored for each individual to work to deliver powerful results but without unexpected downtime.

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Clear And Brilliant

Clear + Brilliant is the latest fractional laser technology designed to refresh your skin, improve its luminosity, smoothness and tone while preventing and treating the signs of aging. The laser creates millions of microscopic treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue. This treatment is designed to be effective but minimize the downtime that accompanies other laser procedures. You may experience some redness and inflammation that may last up to 24 hours. The treatment takes about 30 minutes and we recommend 3-4 treatments spaced 2-4 weeks apart followed by a maintenance treatment every 6-12 months. You will see both immediate results a few days after the treatment as well as progressive results that can last for months. This is the perfect treatment for men and women of all ages who want to both correct and prevent the early signs of aging and maintain the look of their skin.

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Facial Vein And Redness Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and Broad Band Light (BBL) treatments are safe and effective treatments for addressing facial veins, redness, and minimizing the appearance of rosacea. By reducing the density of surface vessels that cause redness, while also minimizing unwanted brown spots, IPL/BBL treatments help the skin look smoother, healthier, vibrant and more even. IPL and BBL devices use photothermal energy to gently heat the upper layers of skin, targeting unwanted capillaries while also stimulating the regeneration of cells and improving the youthful appearance of the face, neck, hands or almost any other part of the body – often after just one treatment. At Tribeca Park Dermatology, we have a variety of devices to choose from to target unwanted veins and redness to address each person's unique concerns.

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Numerous natural and synthetic substances can be injected into the skin to augment the soft tissues and give the skin a smoother and more youthful appearance. Hyaluronic acid fillers, such as Juvederm, can be used to reduce the appearance of deep folds around the mouth and nose, add contour and volume to the cheeks and cheekbones, to plump furrows and hollows, and to enhance definition of the lips. Certain scars and skin depressions also respond well to soft tissue fillers.

Fillers fall into 2 major categories, direct volumizers and collagen stimulators. Products such as Juvederm and Restylane are hyaluronic acid fillers which can be directly injected safely into a variety of lines and folds for an immediate effect which can last up to a year in duration.

Sculptra is an example of a collagen stimulator. This injectable is a suspension of minute particles of poly-L-lactic acid, which, when injected into the skin, stimulate the body to encapsulate the particles and form new collagen over a period of weeks to months. Overall volumization, recontouring, and an improvement in the texture of the overlying skin can last 1-2 years with this treatment.

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Fractora RF is an innovative non-surgical device used to improve the texture of the skin and reduce the skin’s laxity. The device delivers radiofrequency energy through small micro-pins to heat the dermal and sub-dermal tissue, promoting collagen restructuring and resulting in more youthful, smooth and elastic skin.

Treatment parameters can be modulated to deliver results based on desired degree of correction, ranging from improvements in fine surface texture and dyspigmentation to deeper correction of more intense signs of photo-aging - laxity, lines, deep wrinkles, scars, acne scarring, and stretch marks. Treatments can be performed on all areas of the face including the upper and lower eyelids and stubborn lip lines, as well as the neck, chest, abdomen, and areas of concern on the extremities. Fractora RF can be performed safely on all skin types and ethnicities.

Depending on the intensity of your Fractora RF treatment(s), a series of 1-4 sessions may be advised, each spaced 1 month apart. The recovery period is brief, usually with only 1-3 days of redness and mild swelling. Visible results are seen at two weeks with improvements continuing up to three months after treatment. Fractora RF may be combined with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections + layering for even greater improvements in complexion, texture, and radiance.

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Halo is the world’s first and only Hybrid Fractional Laser that delivers a non-ablative and an ablative wavelength to the same microscopic treatment zone. Combining these two wavelengths creates a strong synergistic effect, resulting in ablative results with non-ablative downtime. Halo provides unique benefits including:

  • Ability to powerfully treat wrinkles, pores, scars, and pigmentary issues
  • Less painful than traditional fractional resurfacing
  • Significant clinical results in just 1-2 treatments
  • Faster healing time

The unique dual wavelength delivers an unprecedented ability to customize treatments for each individual. Every patient has different needs in terms of sun damage and their ability to tolerate downtime. With Halo, both the ablative and non-ablative wavelengths can be adjusted and dialed in precisely to deliver exact treatments patients need for amazing results within the desired downtime. Halo provides an unmatched patient experience in the world of laser resurfacing. The combination of low downtime, great results, and tolerable treatment makes for extremely happy patients.

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Kybella (deoxycholic acid) injection is the first and only FDA-approved injectable treatment that is used in adults to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin (submental fat), also called, ‘double chin.’

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat.

You and your doctor will customize your Kybella treatment regimen, including how many treatments you need, based on your desired chin profile. Most patients achieve their desired results following 2 to 3 treatment sessions, spaced 6 weeks apart. During these sessions, your physician will administer Kybella into the fat under your chin using multiple injections.

After the desired aesthetic response is achieved, retreatment with Kybella is not expected as results are permanent.

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Laser Hair Removal

The principle behind laser hair removal is the use of long wavelength energy to target melanin within hairs in the deeper layers of the skin, disrupting the follicles ability to regenerate and permanently reducing hair growth with each session. Common sites for unwanted hair removal include the face, neck, underarms, back, legs, arms, bikini and full Brazilian treatment areas.

At Tribeca Park Dermatology, we utilize three laser/light systems for permanent hair reduction — the InMode Diolaze laser, the Sciton Profile 1064 Nd:YAG and the Sciton ForeverBare BBL System. With 3 devices to choose from, we can offer the most effective treatment available for each individual based on their skin and hair type, and we can safely perform treatments on all skin tones. Hair reduction is seen after the first session but for full results a series of 5-8 treatments is usually needed, spaced 4-6 weeks.

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Laser Resurfacing/Rejuvenation

Fractional Resurfacing / Profractional Therapy is a laser procedure used to improve the overall appearance of the skin. The procedure uses a laser to treat thousands of pinpoint areas. Because only a fraction of the skin is directly treated, the surrounding untreated skin promotes rapid healing. The wound healing response creates new collagen which adds firmness and resilience to the skin. The treatment is well tolerated with little post-procedure downtime expected.

Laser Peel Contour TRL skin resurfacing is an excellent treatment for the overall treatment of deep wrinkles, photodamage, scars, actinic keratoses, and poor skin tone and texture. It can safely treat the area above the lip and around the eyes. The laser removes a layer of skin to a depth that can be varied according to skin type, desired outcome, and acceptable downtime. The depth of penetration is carefully controlled with micron precision. The treatment stimulates the growth of new collagen and elastin which improves the thickness and resilience of the skin and helps to give the skin an overall younger, rejuvenated appearance.

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Leg Vein Treatments

Sclerotherapy is a technique used to treat unwanted leg veins. There are numerous solutions that can be injected directly into spider veins on the legs. The physicians at Tribeca Park Dermatology use solutions of either concentrated saline, glycerine, or Asclera (polidocanol) to cause irritation locally inside the injected vessels to cause them to collapse. The treatment is safe and effective, usually requiring 2-3 treatments at 6-8 week intervals.

The ClearScan laser can also be used to treat visible leg veins. This laser uses infrared energy to precisely treat visible spider veins and other vascular lesions. Spider veins and other unwanted red spots are preferentially heated by the laser’s energy and become less noticeable following treatment.

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Microneedling is a minimally invasive technique that increases the production of collagen and elastin in the skin to maintain a youthful appearance. The Rejuvapen microneedling handpiece creates thousands of areas of micro injury in the surface layers of the skin. By precisely controlling the depth, spacing, frequency, and pattern of these needle pricks, the Rejuvapen can be directed to stimulate collagen production in the areas where it needs it the most — commonly, the skin around the eyes and lines around the mouth. This collagen induction therapy procedure can help to reduce fine lines, pore size, and discoloration, and can even diminish the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

Microneedling can be combined with a liquid treatment on the skin surface — such as a layered growth factor serum or your body’s own Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) — to further improve skin quality, evenness, and texture. Downtime is minimal with the face remaining red for approximately 24-48 hours. Improvements in the skin are seen within the first few days with benefits that continue to improve weeks after the treatment. Microneedling can be repeated as frequently as every 6 weeks, or as infrequently as 2-3 times a year, depending on one’s specific concerns.

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Morpheus8 is an advanced fractional RF skin tightening and subdermal adipose remodeling device (SARD) that is used to remodel and contour the skin of the face and body. Penetrating deep into the skin and fat, this device can target all layers of the skin to resurface, tighten the skin, improve laxity, and reduce fat for firmer, smoother, more contoured skin. Morpheus8 is safe for all skin tones and can be performed on all facial and body parts, including eyelids. The depth of Morpheus8 treatments are fully adjustable, with the ability to penetrate deeper into the skin than any other microneedling or fractional radiofrequency device, going as deep as 7mm. Patient comfort is a major advantage of this device because of the sharper tips and tiny punctures it causes in the skin without tugging or pulling. M8 can be used to, treating wrinkles, laxity, jowls, acne, acne scars, stretch marks, surgical scars and much more.

Non-Surgical Hair Restoration

Tribeca Park Dermatology offers 3 non-surgical hair restoration treatment modalities — these can be performed individually or combined for a more comprehensive approach.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections utilize vital components of your own blood to help halt and reverse the miniaturization of hairs seen in male and female patterned hair loss. The PRP Protocol starts with drawing a sample of your blood, which is spun down using a specialized PURESPIN double filtration technique to separate the different components and extract the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. This material, rich in growth factors, is then injected and/or microneedled into the scalp and/or eyebrows for optimal hair regrowth and hair loss prevention. PRP serves as a stand-alone treatment for hair loss or as a complement to hair restoration procedures. We advise 3 treatments, each spaced 1-2 months apart with maintenance sessions 1-2 times yearly based on clinical progress.


Microneedling is a non-surgical therapeutic treatment that increases blood flow to the scalp and/or eyebrows and allows for absorption of layered PRP or topically applied hair regrowth sera. The combination of PRP and microneedling yields more robust hair growth results than either treatment alone.

Omnilux Red LED Therapy

Red Light LED Therapy is increasingly utilized both in-office and at home as a treatment for male and female patterned hair loss. As a standalone treatment, a series of 8 weekly sessions is advised with once monthly sessions suggested for maintenance of results. LED therapy can also be combined with PRP and Miconeedling treatment to boost results.


Pellevé is a revolutionary new system designed to firm the skin and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Pellevé delivers gradual radiofrequency energy deeply into the skin, causing heat to slowly build. The increasing heat modifies the collagen bundles deep in the skin, causing contraction and stimulating the growth of new collagen over time. The result: firmer, tighter, younger looking skin. Pellevé can safely be used to treat the delicate skin of the upper and lower eyelids as well as the skin on the face, neck, and hands. Unlike other skin tightening systems, the treatment is comfortable and no anesthesia or skin cooling is needed. There is no visible redness or recovery-time needed after the procedure, so you can return to home or work immediately following the treatment. Over time, Pellevé continues to work, improving the skin’s texture and tone. The wrinkle reduction and skin firming effects of Pellevé continue to improve for at least six months as your skin produces new collagen. Though benefit can be seen following a single session, for optimal results, three sessions of Pellevé are recommended, spaced every 2-4 weeks, then repeated once annually as a single session for maintenance.

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The Omnilux revive LED device effectively and painlessly rejuvenates the skin by safely emitting a focal wavelength of red light that penetrates deep into the skin to activate cellular machinery and increase collagen and elastin production. Omnilux revive is completely safe and pain free, delivering light-only skin rejuventation. Independent clinical studies revealed an 80% overall improvement in skin smoothness and a statistically significant reduction in the wrinkles around the eyes. In addition it also demonstrates effective in treating superficial vascular and pigmentary lesions. When used in combination with Omnilux blue, it is also a treatment for mild to moderate acne.

Use of Omnilux revive has been shown to accelerate the wound healing response and therefore offers an effective treatment for the healing of compromised skin - whether following an excision, an abrasion, or following skin rejuvenation techniques such as intense pulse light, chemical peels, or laser resurfacing.

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Platelet-Rich Plasma (Prp) Injections

Platelets are components of the blood responsible for healing and tissue regeneration. When PRP is injected or needled into the skin, it acts as a matrix that promotes your own collagen growth — regenerating tissue to naturally soften wrinkles, tighten skin and even the skin’s tone. The PRP Protocol starts with drawing a sample of your blood, which is spun down using a specialized PURESPIN double filtration technique to separate the different components and extract the platelet-rich plasma, or PRP. This material, rich in growth factors, is then injected and/or microneedled into the skin to achieve its rejuvenating effect.

PRP injections can improve skin’s overall texture, tone, brightness and laxity, diminish lines around the mouth, cheeks and eyes, as well as reduce the appearance of pores. PRP therapy has also been shown to improve dark circles and reduce puffiness under the eyes and has been used effectively to treat uneven pigmentation and melasma. PRP is also used as a treatment for hairloss.

The treatment’s popularity stems from its efficacy, safety and its organic nature — results are derived from utilizing your blood’s own repair machinery and growth factors instead of chemical compounds. Results begin to show 3-4 weeks after the treatment session and continue to improve with time. Three sessions are generally recommended, spaced 1-2 months apart, to achieve an optimal outcome. PRP therapy can be combined with microneedling treatments, Fractora RF, laser procedures, as well as injectable fillers and Botox.


QWO is the first and only FDA-approved injectable for moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks. The protocol involves injecting QWO directly into targeted dimples in the buttocks and thighs. The enzymes in QWO, called collagenases, target the structural causes of cellulite in 3 ways: by releasing fibrous bands, redistributing fat cells, and stimulating the growth of new collagen. Injections are relatively painless and take as little as 10 minutes each session. A series of three treatments, spaced 21 days apart, has been shown to significantly and permanently decrease mild, moderate, and even severe dimpling with minimal discomfort, no surgery, no lasers, and no downtime.

Skin Tightening

The SkinTyte laser utilizes advanced infrared light technology to deeply heat dermal collagen while continuously protecting the treated epidermis with sapphire contact cooling for maximum safety and comfort. Energy is delivered in rapid, gentle pulses to promote contraction and partial coagulation of collagen, initiating the body’s natural healing process. Following treatment, a new foundation of collagen is created leading to increased skin firmness. There is little discomfort and no downtime, so regular activity can be resumed immediately following the treatment. Common treatment sites include the face, neck, chest, abdomen and hands.

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